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Miffie Enjoying the Heater.

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Especially for dear Marlene, but for all those who love cats. My darling Mifffie has arthritis in her front feet and a damaged back foot from when she was a kitten (the underneath one) but she manages to get around very well and is in very good health. She's 15 years old now. She is my heart cat.
In winter she loves the heater and also the sun.
Molly tomorrow.
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Hi Lily, yes she loves the sun and that's where she is this morning. Thanks and hugs.


Hi there Brie, yes she is adorable, and I'm sure she loves us too, especially me! Thanks and hugs.


Bless her, she looks so comfortable now the sun and heat are on her feet.


She is adorable - I am sure she loves you just as much as you love her :o)


Hi dear Jana, she had her arthritis injection today, it really helps her front feet. She sends Max sweet kisses. Thanks and hugs dear Jana too. ♥♥♥


Thank you so much Janet, happy cat Miffie, she has found a great home and has the best care.
Nice tickles and many sweet kisses from Max. Hugs to you dear friend ♥♥♥


She has a good appetite too, and enjoys her food. Thanks and hugs Willy.


I'll tel her that Andie. Hugs again ♥♥♥


The heat feels good for the arthritis. We have a 17 year old cat, but he only wants to eat the whole day.


Good girl !
Hugs dear friend.


Hi Andie, yes she will share with you. It's an oil heater and it heats the lounge. Your summer sounds a bit miserable. Yes I can only agree, my Miffie is beautiful. Hugs my friend ♥☺♥☺♥


Miffie you don't like the cold,neither do I .Will you share the heater with me ? Of course not this is supposed to be summer over here, although with rain and already chilly nights it doesn't look like it !
Big big cuddles,you are so beautiful .


Hi Hebe, nice to meet you. Oh yes we all love her, and she is really well for her age and the condition of her poor feet. She can run if she wants to. That's wonderful that your Miss Tuffet is 19 and a half!
Give her a big hug from me. Janet.

Bless her . Our Miss tuffet is 19 and a half and getting very thin but she keeps
going and eats well if pick idly! How we love our cats


Yes Nev, she loves the warmth, presses herself right up against the heater. She is due for her next arthritis injection tomorrow. Thanks and hugs my friend. ♥♥♥


Hi dear Barb, yes I do too, I don't like the cold at all! Thanks and hugs my friend. ♥☺


Very beautiful little girl....I don't blame her seeking warmth, I do too in winter.....LOL
Thank you Janet and hugs :)


Thanks so much Pammi, she is very precious to all of us. She has injections for her arthritis which really helps her. Hugs.


Hi dear Marlene, yes I knew you would enjoy seeing Miff. She is a beautiful girl. with her green eyes. Yes she loves her fish (well, my fish!) and that is the only type of cat food they eat too. She is doing very well for an elderly girl. The arthritis injections really help her too. Thanks and hugs dear friend with love from your friend Janet xxxxxx.

Miffie and Molly send loud happy purrs and heaps of big hugs. ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥


Miffie, what a precious girl you are. I can see you are greatly loved and I can understand why. You are such a sweetheart. ♥♥♥


==MEOW == MEOW == TO MY DARLING MIFFIE. Such A Lovely Surprise To See You & You Look So Beautiful There On Your Pretty Blue Rug. 15, What A Great Age To Be. Your Mum Tells Me You Love Fish, I Do Also, It's Yummy Isn't It. Your Fur Is Always So White, You Sure Do A Great Job Keeping It Clean After You Help Mum In The Garden == EXTRA == EXTRA BIG CUDDLES & LOTS & LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU & YOUR SISTER MOLLY From Auntie Marlene. [[ The Duchess ]]


Yes Lunie and she is much loved. Thanks and hugs.


She does Suzy, she loves both. Warms her old bones. Thanks and hugs.


Life is good...


Enjoy the heater and the sunbeams, Miffie!


Yes they are both quite like Bailey, probably Miffie more so. Hugs Diane ♥♥


I always thought my Bailey looked very like your Molly, but in this picture Miffie looks so like him! x x

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