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Fritz von Uhde (German, 1848–1911), Dutch Sewing Room (1882)

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  1. guestguest3:14
  2. Pecloca3:30
  3. iabdai4:09
  4. Poppibi4:11
  5. Moonb14:15
  6. danj1114:19
  7. zoffica4:21
  8. Angram4:21
  9. judyorr4:37
  10. jolo4:41


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You're very welcome! 😄

Big thank you


You're welcome!


Very nice scene, thanks


@tgchickering I think these might be teenaged girls living in a home for orphans. Most of them seem to be dressed alike, and this room and the one we see through the doorway are not furnished like a family home. Perhaps they're mending linens belonging to the orphanage, or perhaps they're contributing to their keep by making things to sell. I could be wrong. But yes, nimble fingers and good eyesight would lead to better outcomes!


@Clausing I'm glad you like it!

At first I thought this might be a sewing circle of older women,
but, upon completion, I see these are all very young women.
I guess you needed very nimble (non-arthritic) fingers and
excellent eyesight to do a good job of the task. Lovely puzzle.

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