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Videostills from past week. Big question is how many Badgers are visiting our garden?

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Badger is currently a regular visitor in our garden. Both Marten and Badger love hazelnuts. That said, in the past five days we got 54 videos of the Badger. Going through them, I started noting differences around the throats. So question is how many different Badgers do we see in these pictures?
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  1. nkwrw0:35
  2. Ianto0:48
  3. BrianCottrill0:49
  4. basic0:50
  5. Juba10100:54
  6. Mersku0:55
  7. wshealy0:59
  8. cbuyea1:02
  9. Nancy5050441:03
  10. jen71:18


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European badgers are social and live in groups of 6-8 on average.

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