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Portrait of Jadwiga Mikołajczykina

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "GPortrait of Jadwiga Mikołajczykina" (1898 - 1902) and the artist is Stanisław Kamocki ♥

Stanisław Kamocki (1875–1944) was a notable Polish painter associated with the Young Poland movement. Born in Warsaw, he studied at the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts under influential artists like Jan Stanisławski.

Kamocki became renowned for his vibrant landscapes, particularly his depictions of the Polish countryside, capturing its natural beauty with a focus on light and color. His work often reflected impressionistic and post-impressionistic influences. Kamocki also taught at the Kraków Academy, nurturing the next generation of artists.

Stanisław Kamocki married Zofia Zathey, daughter of educator and writer Hugo Zathey, in 1912. Zofia's sister, Jadwiga, was married to painter Władysław Jan Pochwalski, making Kamocki part of a family with strong artistic and literary connections.

You can find more information on Stanisław Kamocki here
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  1. mvt2:43
  2. JG5462:51
  3. TripleM2:53
  4. fluffbucket3:06
  5. montuos3:10
  6. Anidalai3:27
  7. wujaszekdolf3:30
  8. tom_kuehn3:30
  9. jankowiak713:33
  10. Thyme3:37


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My dear friend's grandma, Busha, always called my friend, her granddaughter. Jadwiga
We call her Judi. Yes, she is Polish. Thank you for this lovely picture. 12-7-24

There is a strength that she shows in her face. Almost a fierceness. Thanks for the puzzle.


Thanks for the puzzle.

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