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Bon Appétit!
Here's wishing a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. We have a lot to be thankful for...Bernadette

Peety on the left, Booboo in the middle and Shorty on the right.
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Thank you! ;-)))


It's lovely, you are very talented in so many ways. 💐


These eyes, THESE EYES !! :O)


This is my favorite card. I made these cards about a decade ago to send out for Thanksgiving. So glad you like it, June.


What an adorable picture - thanks Bernadette.



Yes, Peety does look like he has something up his sleeve/paw. I recognize the look! Yes, I am sitting here sweetly/patiently, our little buddy...not so much. We know that you will be giving us something special. All good thoughts going your way.


I love Boston Terriers! Don't you think Peety looks like a little devil?
Have a wonderful day!

What a perfect puzzle to start our Thanksgiving. Both of our Bosco's passed on this year after almost 16 yrs. A puzzler maker Nephelle suggested (not a replacement but) filling the huge abyss that had been created. So we rescued an abused Boston Terrier mix at SPCA. Something for all of us to remember is when you fix something broken in your life you may be able to stretch that blessing received and fix something in another's life. Now we are all happy. We are thankful. Wishing you & puzzlers a Happy Thanksgiving.


Happy Thanksgiving to you! ❤️


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Cute, but better keep an eye on that turkey Bernadette.Happy Thanksgiving from Canada !

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