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Some old pics - Cliff railway Lynmouth - Lynton 2007

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The water powered cliff railway which connects the harbour village of Lynmouth, North Devon with the town of Lynton at the top of the cliff. It was built in 1888 and uses renewable fresh river water.
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  1. JillianB0:29
  2. francine19470:34
  3. BJAC0:34
  4. hiu13890:34
  5. Ianto0:38
  6. sodak30:41
  7. zhaba470:44
  8. Iggys0:44
  9. Nannynoo19650:47
  10. Mncold0:49


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Thanks for your comments, Jill. Yes it is good that it still works


Fantastic photo and so great to see this wonderful old water powered railway still works. Very cool. Thanks Janet

That they do. And with low tech.


It does, Jolene. Some things last

Very cool. Plus it still works.


Thanks for the information @Lerak. It is good that these old water powered railways are still being used and they are environmentally friendly too

Thanks for the nice picture. We have the same one in Prague. On July 25, 1891, the ground cableway to Petřín Hill began operating, powered by water. He drives with breaks (war etc.) to this day. Karel

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