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Birthday Calendar April

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Due to a computer problem, I can't make larger letters this time.

If you would like to be listed on my monthly birthday calendar, just add your name and date as a comment on any of my puzzles. Please indicate whether or not you would also like me to make you a birthday puzzle.
I'm sure you'll understand that birthday girls and boys who request a birthday puzzle are expected to return to my site on their special day, or shortly thereafter, to view their puzzle and acknowledge their friends' good wishes. We all want to keep this site a place of friendship and courtesy.
Please post any birthday puzzles which you create under Themes.
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  1. Hatiwu0:11
  2. Robbos0:13
  3. petr64500:13
  4. Dilubreuer0:14
  5. goingsilver0:16
  6. debdaz0:17
  7. ebkrueg0:17
  8. kolicek210:17
  9. chelsey150:17
  10. treker0:18


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Congratulations Marisela, I wish the couple a wonderful happy and healthy life.
It's very early in the morning here, later today I will look for Oaxaca on Google Earth. ♥

Oh dear Ank Thank you for always being aware of us, not only on our birthdays, but our work. I was out of sight because I went to Oaxaca, to the wedding of my son.


Thanks Lorna and Nev. Nev thanks for the help again. It's pity that Janet can't go to her son now, I hope she will recover quickly.


Thanks Ank ☺

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