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Still Waiting for the Fur to Return

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Brownie Blue is just hanging out with her gold pompom marking the spot where her tummy fur has yet to grow back from the spaying. Since the other puzzle showing the tattoo, about half the fur starting with the new "brown stripe" has come back. She's probably wondering why her brothers, Alvar and Laviini, never had the same problem. 🤭
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  1. Jackie480:32
  2. Ianto0:33
  3. racoonstar0:36
  4. CrazyCAT540:37
  5. Finnegan0:40
  6. Jaz93660:41
  7. Hornxy0:47
  8. dobrajaneckova0:48
  9. Ohmyword0:50
  10. cobra0:50


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She's too cute with a good human mommy. 🐱💕


@Bugster I think I like your "caption" better! It was telling that she wanted her gold pompom to know it's still "nekkid." 🤗


Mommy look at my nekkid tummy. 🐱💕


@beyondwords Brownie had about twice the area shown shaved. The pink belly still needs its fur.

The entire family is now spayed or neutered. As you know, Sita and Inky were never to be parents, but someone else was not watching while they weren't in my care waiting for Inky's scheduled neutering. And then they were returned to me with Sita pregnant .... But the family's been a special one! Life's good! 🥰


@beyondwords Oh yes, her spaying surgery was uneventful except for the large area of fur shaved off. She came home and ate the same evening. This vet has a Phovia light treatment which is supposed to lessen pain and promote healing. I noticed that Sita and the boys didn't have any problems immediately after their neutering, so I elected Phovia again for the three sisters also at their time. None of them had to wear cones either except for the first few hours to monitor just in case. They never bothered their surgery areas and all healed well.


It's good that Brownie Blue won't be having kittens. Except for her fur, has she recovered?

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20 January 2021 - 17 April 2016
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