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Happy birthday Snooker!!

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Sally, think we should all have birthday weekends. So much more fun.


Well done potatomum!


Woo Hoo Carol... Great effects from your playing around... More please....

Happy Birthday Pat.... and on your real day.... I like this birthday weekend idea even more... Hugs.... :) :)

Laurjane, I used to play snooker a lot but it uses a larger table and there aren't any where I live now. I play 8 ball and 9 ball as much as I can now as that seems to be the trend.


Thanks, Snooker> :)


Do you ever play snooker, snooker?

That was a great idea to use red snooker balls. it turned out beautifully didn't it? You'll have to make more of this kind of puzzle.
You do have the right day, Shirley. :)


Thanks, Shirley!
Snooker, I didn't know when your real birthday was, but I saw other happy birthday puzzles, so I decided I'd better get busy!
You'll laugh when you hear where I got this! I used a picture of red snooker balls racked up, and then I just played with a program that makes effects - not having a clue how to use it or what the various settings were for. I stopped playing with it when I got to here - looked kind of like red hearts around a rainbow (of sorts) in the middle - and all on green felt. :))


It is Sunday here in Oz, so I've got the day right :) :) Have a happy day snooker. Thanks for this cute brightly coloured puzzle Potatomum.

Thanks, Daisyjune. It's been quite the day and my birthday is actually on Sunday.


Hey, Happy Birthday, snooker. I hope you've had a great day!

Thanks so much, Carol. The red in this is lovely - looks like hearts around the outer edge. I am partial to this kind of puzzle and enjoy them a lot. What did you use as the original picture?

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