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Puttertje (NL) or European Goldfinch

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35 pieces
57 solves
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There are quite a few of these beauties around our place currently.
Yesterday, this one was not feeling well after banging against a window.
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  1. auntmom71:20
  2. Eliza1331:22
  3. Warehouse1:25
  4. ian19481:47
  5. hadzi1:48
  6. JGalt1:56
  7. basic2:00
  8. nanaof72:00
  9. ZeeZeeZee2:00
  10. stonetheiceman2:03


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It happens every now and then and this one, like most got away with the nasty experience.


Your European goldfinches are very striking.
Did this bird recover after the collision with the window?

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