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63 pieces
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Well Mommy...I am not going to get out of bed anyway !!!
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  1. hamcar3:51
  2. tisketsmum3:53
  3. Impie4:14
  4. carrps4:19
  5. canalview5:30
  6. Horton0075:40
  7. ednava7:09
  8. VeraZ14:53


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Thanks for caring♥


Oh good, I hope you didn't mind me saying so. I am glad she loves her shirts - it's always good to give our pets extra warmth in the cold weather and if she didn't like them, she wouldn't co-operate with you when you put them on. Please give Motek kisses and cuddles from me. :-))


Oh no jandchris, the top is comfortable...Motek loves her shirts, and gladly cooperates, by extending her front legs forward to tuck into the sleeves :-)))


That top doesn't look very comfortable on your lovely dog or is it just the way he's lying?


Thanks for stopping by tisketsmum and Impie♥♥
p.s. I will aks my niece about Motek's leg, i did not notice her leg was bandaged.


Good plan, Motek....what happened to your leg???


Good plan Motek 😘😘😘

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  • What are the symbols on the jigsaw puzzles?

    When you browse jigsaw puzzles on Jigidi, you may notice different symbols on the puzzles. One symbol lets you bookmark the puzzle for later, and other symbols tell you about any previous activity you may have on the puzzle.