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Interior Courtyard, Seville

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "Interior Courtyard, Seville" (1920), and the artist is Manuel García y Rodríguez ♥

Manuel García y Rodríguez (1863–1925) was a Spanish painter celebrated for his vibrant landscapes and maritime scenes, particularly of Seville and the Andalusian coast.

A key figure in the Andalusian Regionalist movement, García y Rodríguez was known for his meticulous attention to light and atmosphere, often capturing the fleeting beauty of sunsets and dawns. He also explored the mystical aspects of nature, infusing his works with a subtle symbolism that hinted at the spiritual connections between land and sea.

You can find a little more information on Manuel García y Rodríguez here
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unique & initricate design


@PennyTHD We hope you can visit this majestic place! It seems like it would be a great experience! 🤗


I've never been lucky enough to go there.
Looking at this courtyard, it's showing off the influence of the Muslim Moors during their time of supremacy in portions of Spain. In some, time is exacting it's toll. This courtyard looks well kept and loved. Maybe one day I'll be able to see it.


Alas - I have no photos! It was pre-smart phone days. But even if it hadn't been, I probably wouldn't have taken any/many photos. I never have been much of a photographer. I don't really know why. Although, I do have quite a few from a recent trip to Uluru (I'm Australian) . I think that nature is more my thing, than people, when it comes to photos! (❛ᴗ❛)


@RandomWorship It sounds like a fairytale! What a great timing that you visited during the festivity period! We are glad to hear you has such a wonderful time, you should definitely share some pictures in puzzles, we would love to see if you have any! 🤗


I adored it! We were lucky enough to be there during one of the religious festivals - so the nights were full of parades and people. Young people, older people, children, families. It felt full of warmth and love - and safe! And the city itself is beautiful. Our accommodation had an internal courtyard - a lot like what is pictured here. Definitely a highlight. (❛ᴗ❛)


@RandomWorship That sounds so interesting! How did you like it? 😊


Oh, I LOVE Seville! This is so reminiscent of what I saw while I was there, many years ago. (❛ᴗ❛)


@enric Fixed it! Thank you! 😊


@Siena @jazz2008 @Hdarlene We are happy to hear you like the puzzle!! 🤗

Lovely picture thank you.


I love it!!

An "Italian painter" born in Seville, dead in Seville and painting Seville. ???


THE INTERIOR COURTYARD, SHOWS A LOT OF DETAILS and it is one that takes time to see it all.

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