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Delicate Delphinium and 1 lilac from our tree

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  1. laurajane0:51
  2. like921150:59
  3. sonny1:08
  4. Pekaji1:09
  5. suss1:12
  6. morcin1:14
  7. wigma1:14
  8. almstok1:16
  9. mdsdt11341:18
  10. janibacsi1:20


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I'm lucky they survive me! This one bent when I tried to attach a support, so I brought it in the house.


Lucky you being able to grow Delphiniums! Our tree lilac finished blooming weeks ago and its a treat to see the blossoms again and remember the fragrance. Nice photo. Thanks!


Thank you for the nice comments laurajane and pattyanne.


The white flower is a lilac from out lilac tree. I posted a picture of the entire tree a few days ago.

I can almost smell the lilacs.


Hi wigma...this is just gorgeous! The flowers...the lighting...the dark backgorund. I just love it. I really like delphinium. What are the white flowers?

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