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Gordon Lightfoot, In Memoriam

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His songs strummed through my soul from my teens to the present.
Thank you, Gordon, for all the amazing songs you gave the world.
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  1. Ianto1:10
  2. steph61:13
  3. RZRgirl1:18
  4. IvanRostoff1:32
  5. octhomasad1:33
  6. Jgt431:33
  7. nmcrossman1:34
  8. jubiba1:37
  9. sliiiider881:39
  10. Ohmyword1:42


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I truly loved his music. Thank you for this picture. Bev. 12-2-23


[Verse 7]
In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed
In the Maritime Sailors' Cathedral
The church bell chimed till it rang twenty-nine times
For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee
Superior, they said, never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early


Dear Ivan,
I am not a DJ, nor is the girl in the picture, and I do not dabble in any form of art.
I just happened to find this online, and it is an accurate picture of my interests.
Thank you for inquiring and doing my puzzle... 🌺 Lilli 😃

Is your DJ girl your own art?


If I sit down at a random piano, the first thing I play is "Don Quixote"...that and Canadian Railroad Trilogy are my favorites 😃 Lilli


You can think of him without thinking about "if You Could Read My Mind' and 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald'.


Man, just this last week we lost two of our local musicians here and the world seems a much smaller place plus my mum passed away almost a year ago 😥🧐




:) Yea,he should return :) Gordon and Jim Croce were/are two of my favorite artists :)


@MartinFields, I could not agree with you more.


He was just good for creating music @dhi :) you see that now and again :)


He rally was a master at creating the songbook for Canada!

RIP, Gordon


Thanks for the timeless music

Awesome voice rip


To my amazement, a celebrity on a show I was just watching, said that yesterday, Michigan was sponsoring a Great Lakes Awareness Day same day we lost Gordon...who on this planet has not heard "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"?? What a coincidence !!


RIP and thank you for the music


Yep, :( Saw Gordon a couple of times in late 70s-early 80's :) Always impressed me with his proffesionalism and love of music :) RIP Gordon and we'll always remember you for the joy you brought us :)

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