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hot winter drinks

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treats to share for the holidays
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summer by us and our weather goes up to about 33 degrees celcius ♥♥ BOILING HOT


what a lovely puzzle and good cheer to all of you and all the best for 2024 ♥♥♥ love and hugs


Thank you so much Lilli. After 4 hours of shopping it great to have a hot drik. Cheers :-))))


@ParsonWayne PW, since everything in the picture is red, my first guess would be hot mulled cider with pomegranate or cranberry juice or you can make orange mulled hot tea...lots of possibilities are there... inebriation is not the goal 😄

@albertwinestein Nev, may I recommend tossing a few ice cubes in those drinks ??
I'm not great at keeping track of where folks live !! 😁


Lilli, thanks for the tag - much appreciated.
Here in Oz, our Christmas falls in the middle of Summer, and our Christmas Day is often hot, so we are looking for COLD drinks.
And Christmas will probably be no different this year - yesterday saw our temperature rise to 40C (104F) and today is supposed to reach 44C (111F). ♥♥♥


Very pretty!


Cheers, Lilli! 🍹


Thank you, Lilli, for this lovely Holiday puzzle.


Very festive!


Happy Holidays.

Thank you.


Thanks, @lilliwebs - nice treats for the holidays.


What is in the drinks, Lilli? The cookies and other treats look delicious.


I don't post too many puzzles, and this is already on page 5 !!
I would like my friends to enjoy this...

@KittyCounselor @ParsonWayne @racoonstar @sparklightie @Coffeeinbed
@bevpuzzler8 @cojac500 @CathyTxDJ @jasonchung2 @Gaillou @eagleboi
@Shian2 @albertwinestein @lefty50 @Juba1010 @Sissel @Audslibrary
@Surreal_Heidi @jbprols

Any of you feel free to tag someone I may have to you all !!
💟 Lilli 🌟

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