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Love just is....

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Where is this man and pup? There must be shelters somewhere for them. Heart wrenching!

Such love and devotion displayed for all to see.

My heart goes out to this man and his dog. It brought tears to my eyes.
I do pray for people like this. Once I was downtown and had to walk right past a homeless man like this and he asked me for money. I asked if he was hungry and he said yes. So I bought him a hamburger and a cup of coffee and he really looked happy. I do pray for people like this Marion196 and I'm glad you do too. Thanks for your reminder to help the needy.


Count your blessings, folks, and pray for people and pets like this....


I don't have anything to add to the rest of the comments. I agree with all of them.

AND WE THINK WE HAVE PROBLEMS! Truly heart wrenching!


This touches me in so many ways.


this puzzle makes me want to cry. I'm not sure if it's because it's heart warming or sad.

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