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by Sadhu Aliyur

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  1. Noulelle2:29
  2. mariolyn2:33
  3. Ianto2:49
  4. pivecko3:13
  5. RoanokeRose3:20
  6. madpol3:27
  7. knd1193:30
  8. rndixon3:31
  9. FionaAS3:34
  10. 1Be2Dun33:37


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Thanks @MartinFields I'll have a look-see. 👀


Ah me too I was just a spring chicken of 18 and had just started working 😀😀😀Ok 😀Title is : J,R.R. Tolkien and there's a picture of the countryside on front cover. At the bottom is written "The Classic BBC Radio Production" There are 5cds but the last one is just the music and it runs for 3hrs and 45minutes 🤔Is that enough info 🤔🙋🏽😀😀


1968? @MartinFields I remember it well! 🙃


I think this first came out in 1968 and this could be a 2012 version 🤔It cam from BBC Radio 4 😀😀


@MartinFields My honey says he has found the Nicole Williamson version on youtube, a place I don't use much. If you sent me the name of yours I could check youtube for that too! Is my age showing? 😁


Go for it! @madpol We should all do what we love. 🎨🖌️


@MartinFields Enjoy! 🍄

We owned a record set by Nichol Williamson that awesome:

1974 - I think my sister got that one.


I understand what you mean Gail (I mean the zen aspect of art). I prefer real paint nowadays. I just LOVE real paint :-))))


Yea him 😀😀and i just found a 1988 BBC spoken version of The Hobbit which runs for nearly four hours on cd 🙂🙂🙂✅I may listen to that this weekend coming 🤔


@madpol I used to love drawing little houses and floorplans but then the Internet came along.... I will take a look at SumoPaint. Most computer activities fail to tap into the Zen aspect of art for me. I CAN lose myself in a puzzle now and then! 🙂


Gail.. houses are SO much fun to paint.. Yes, try it!!! :-)
I painted them with SumoPaint, an online drawing program. I really loved it, it was very easy to use, and had a lot of features (thanks so much for liking the houses!!) :-)))


I wish I could do more than watch the colors come off the brush @madpol Maybe I should try little houses! 😊 I LOVE your little houses. How did you paint them?


Farmer Maggot's place? @MartinFields I remember that part... 😉


So beautiful!! I love water color :-)) Thanks Gail


That's not a modern rendition of Hobbiton by any chance and yes there is a fence so I reckon that's the farm where they stole the mushrooms from 🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫🍄‍🟫😀😀😀


I do see a semblance of a FENCE. Thanks.

Sadhu Aliyur had such a delicate touch to his artwork. Thanks so much for this post.

I think this is really beautiful! Love the different shades of blue and purple.


OK! @pivecko 🥰


Nejsem zpět, vybírám si, dělám jen něco :-))


We will have to flip a coin between the three of us! @pivecko So you are back and puzzling. I hope you enjoyed yourself! 😊


Me too! @jigsawjigzag You have liked other posts by the same artist. Watercolors! 😉 BTW, that house was snatched up and under contract in a flash! Walking distance to Brown University...


I já! Díky!


I would put this one on my wall.


FENCE! @mariolyn 😊

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