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1. The Summer Olympics were held in Barcelona, Spain in what year?
A. 1988
B. 1992
C. 1996

2. What does Ecophobia mean?
A. Fear of the home
B. Fear of Echos
C. Fear of loud sounds

Answers in completion message
Nerium oleander, commonly known as oleander or rosebay, is a shrub or small tree cultivated worldwide in temperate and subtropical areas as an ornamental and landscaping plant. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Nerium, belonging to subfamily Apocynoideae of the dogbane family Apocynaceae. Wikipedia
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  1. Ianto1:23
  2. Jaz93661:24
  3. jbprols1:34
  4. BJAC1:37
  5. 4wings51:37
  6. maggie40721:42
  7. hamideh1:42
  8. RoanokeRose1:43
  9. Pekaji1:45
  10. wigma1:57


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Another beauty! Thanks Bernadette.


Missed both today.
Grew up in the Mojave desert. Oleanders were one of the few things that could survive the summer. We were all warned from an early age to stay away from them as they are poisonous. They are pretty though.

Oleanders are very hardy and drought tolerant. The flowers can come in a few different colors. Oleanders are often grown in the dividing sections of California highways because they require so little maintenance. However, they aren't good residential plants because they are toxic and even a bit smelly.


Are you working on a quilt?


Knew #2. Pretty flowers.

Got #1 only, Thanks Bernadette


Good thanks, You? We are having rain again today! The sun just does not want to show it's face lately. My poor potted plants are slow growing, need some heat! Just hanging around the house, doing a bit of sewing. Pretty boring at the moment! LOL!


Hi, Maggie! How are you? ☺🌟


Got #1, missed #2. Pretty Pink.

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