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Street of the Knights, Rhodes Old town

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The old medieval town of Rhodes was occupied by the Knights of St John of Jerusalem from 1309 - 1523. They had fled Palestine during the Crusades and came to live in Rhodes, turning what is now the old town into a fortified city. The knights were divided into 7 tongues/languages based on where they came from. These were England, France, Germany, Italy, Aragon (now part of Spain), Auvergne and Provence (now part of France). Each tongue was responsible for different parts of the fortification of the town and they also had their own inn on this street where the knights lived
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  1. Hasli0:15
  2. Ianto0:17
  3. James09040:19
  4. Ninja20230:21
  5. madpol0:22
  6. JillianB0:22
  7. madhat0:26
  8. hardhammer0:27
  9. healer240:30
  10. BigR0:32


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Thanks Jill. My knowledge of the knights and the crusades etc was a bit patchy before visiting, but going there did help to make sense of it all


Great view down the alley way to that arch bridge connection. Such an interesting history Janet. Thank you


Thank you @Dengar1


Nice Puzzle

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