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Hurricane Winds in Utah

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This is a picture of some of the damage we had in our Condo Complex. No power for 1 1/2 days.
All is being cleaned up now. We are safe. . . Naoma
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  1. Robbos0:11
  2. racoonstar0:13
  3. Zebrapleco10:14
  4. allison110:14
  5. Jackie480:14
  6. rebe790:15
  7. Ianto0:16
  8. Deanna0:16
  9. puzzeljac0:16
  10. treker0:17


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Naoma, it can be scary when trees come down.


Not that I could see. Will have to wait until the tree is cut up and removed. We did have damage on fences and some roofs. Thanks for your comment. . . Naoma

Was there any damage to the building.

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