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"Finally! Look Nanny Lily!"

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Brownie Blue told Nanny Lily (my senior Chihuahua) to look - the tummy fur has finally grown back. It's no longer pink and "nekkid" (thank you to Bugster) as in the earlier puzzle on April 8th. Brownie waited a long time after her spay in February to see its return. And the brown stripe between the front legs became a circular pattern.
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@Neeters1 This is my favorite. 💕💖💕


@ldeernest Thank you - it's fun to share their pictures and stories so others hear their "voices." Best wishes! 💕💖💕

i love your cat pics! :)


@Martasonia Thank you - they really are characters 😉!

Such lovely stories to go with the cute characters....very enjoyable!


@Martasonia The surgery didn't bother her at all. I felt she didn't like the shaved fur, so she spent a lot of time showing everyone her tummy. Nanny Lily who watched her from birth stopped sniffing her tummy as if to indicate it's no big deal. But it didn't stop Brownie from trying. 😉

What a cute little show off..:-)


@tricia22 It's hard to tell she has blue eyes lately - she's always showing off her tummy. 🤭


@Bugster I'll always remember you commented that about the earlier puzzle. It still makes me smile. 🤗


Thank you @tricia22. 🐞

@Bugster That's nice! 🙂💞


Nope, she's not nekkid anymore. She is adorable. 🌺💕

HAHAHA!!! That's so funny!!! 🤣🤣🤣


@Bugster It's no longer "nekkid." 🤭

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

8 February 2018 - 6 February 2014
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