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9 pieces
35 solves
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Candid Camera

Tie A Tie.
Packing for trip.
Eating spaghetti.
Shuffling cards.
Telling jokes.
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  1. Ninja20230:06
  2. lenty0:08
  3. Jackie480:08
  4. kareng0:09
  5. Ianto0:09
  6. Zebrapleco10:09
  7. georg_meter0:11
  8. wshealy0:11
  9. Harrison230:13
  10. cobra0:14


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Thank you for your very nice comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the video and the puzzle. It was one of my very favorite shows to watch.


I loved Candid Camera! Thanks for this puzzle! The thought just came to me that something I would say in years past - "Smile! You're on Candid Camera" when something incredulous was happening, it really did lighten the situation and the phrase in itself is a neat part of history.

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