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The Medieval Merchant's House and the spire of St Michael's Church in Southampton. The old with the new.

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The Medieval Merchant's House is a restored late-13th-century building in Southampton, Hampshire, England. Built in about 1290 by John Fortin, a prosperous merchant, the house survived many centuries of domestic and commercial use largely intact. Photo Taken by John Ruddy on Facebook
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  1. Dclo0:26
  2. Jumble0:34
  3. Ianto0:35
  4. callumdavidson0:35
  5. Dilubreuer0:37
  6. paperoimpazzito0:41
  7. alias2v0:41
  8. Iggys0:42
  9. sihecht0:44
  10. RiaMa8060:45


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This building is only a small section of the old town which was called Hamwic, there are still many buildings and old walls left of the old town Ria.


Medieval, wooden and still standing. Wow. TFS


WOW! That is really good Clive.


Izzy We have a church built in AD 830 and is still used to this day. All Saints Church Brixworth. You can google it just saying do enjoy.


Dave and Dan
This building is now owned by English Heritage it has been restored as it was damaged by a German bomb in 1940 which laid bare the medieval structure of the house.
Also it was used as a brothel during the war. I don't know if any ladies of the night were hurt before of after the bombing. :-))


Clive, sorry your old building will never beat the old buildings we have here in Southampton. Yours was built in1607, and this building and others are 1290. The spire you can see in the background belongs to St Michaels Church which was built in 1070, and the church is still used today.


I hope you all enjoy the following link from a town slightly north of us which we visit .


Quite a contrast Irene! That old building has really "weathered" the years.


I'm impressed... Most ancient buildings are made of stone. This one looks like wood


Very nice Izzy.

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