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Firehouse Subs

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The wife and I had one of our regularly scheduled appointments with the dentist today, and afterwards, she let me pick the location to get a bite to eat. The total was a little higher than I would have liked ($35.51), but the sandwich turned out to be totally worth it.

The walls of the restaurant were covered with a variety of decorations, so I took a few photographs.

I took this photograph on 30 October 2024.
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  1. LiveLoveLaff0:58
  2. Ianto1:17
  3. Trapper1:28
  4. wshealy1:30
  5. holisak1:37
  6. Pekaji1:38
  7. puzzlecpa1:39
  8. monjose_542:48
  9. oak4:03


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