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Polish Salt Mine in Wieliczka

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It may feel like you are in the middle of a Jules Verne adventure
as you descend in to the depths. After a one hundred and fifty
meter climb down wooden stairs the visitor to the salt mine will see some
amazing sites. About the most astounding in terms of its sheer size and
audacity is the Chapel of Saint Kinga. The Polish people have for many
centuries been devout Catholics and this was more than just a long term
hobby to relieve the boredom of being underground. This was an act of
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  1. mariolyn0:51
  2. pmccall0:56
  3. evep0:57
  4. janibacsi0:58
  5. Mbrighamann1:00
  6. Brockley1:06
  7. kathyk1:07
  8. jigidilover1:09
  9. madgamcp1:12
  10. elisek1:15


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