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  1. Robbos4:51
  2. dukerdor5:06
  3. crashnot5:35
  4. nanapatsy6:39
  5. Ianto8:02
  6. Irishmist9:10
  7. DaPRLady9:20
  8. gellydine9:37
  9. alias2v10:42
  10. mackabroin11:07


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Hi Robin, You gave me a good laugh today. I didn't know it took over a year for a response. LOL Better late than never. LOL

I only recently realized there are two distinct sides to Jigidi - the social and the more introverted puzzlers. I have always been the second so I didn't see the other side. As we just moved to Maine we started creating the smaller puzzles and the conversations started.

Obviously I'm not a one-liner so sometimes I feel a little strange in the social stratum. I do enjoy reading other's comments and love this aspect of Jigidi.

It's nice getting to meet you. Please stay safe and healthy. We live in a crazy world.


clive is a good one....he is one of the first persons I met in here.....a good friend now.....I love the "col" it proud.....I am scottish family is from findochty and I have been there.....funny little "brug".........they "let" me into the golf course for a tour (no women usually allowed) but because two of my great uncles won the "open".....they were "Herds".....I would love to go back...but I don't think it is going to happen...


Hi Robin, I can't help commenting on your user name. My husband is Scottish and his grandparents came through Canada to Western NY. I love your sense of humor as exhibited in your user name. I love making fun of myself and old age. My last days at work had a new terrible computer conversion so I decided to call myself COF - "cranky old fart". I told everyone if I name it, if I accept it, I can be it. Now I'm COL - "crazy old lady". Now when I do something stupid, or say something stupid, I just blame it on being old. So much better than being ditzy. I'm also fluffy, not fat - same end result but sounds so much better. LOL

I usually do only the largest puzzles but I found Clive's passion flower puzzle (while searching for dragon puzzles for my husband) and read the comments. I find comments wonderful and caring and I have met many Jigidi friends through the comment process.

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