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Squirrel Cove General Store, Cortes Island, NC

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They have everything, food, movies, post office, liquor store, hardware store all under one roof.
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  1. like921150:41
  2. dalelawler0:48
  3. Sisell0:50
  4. Robbos0:54
  5. Malta0:59
  6. moon89621:00
  7. iwalkden19631:01
  8. Ianto1:03
  9. wizardjt1:04
  10. girlmouse611:04


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and a phone booth


That is wonderful! There was a place like that in Colville, WA, where my Hubby's parents lived. It was called "The Old Curiosity Shop Mall", & his mom ran a cafe there for years. It was even red like this one, LOL! Just a little FYI, your title on this puzzle says "NC", when I think you meant "BC", right? Not trying to be a Smarty Pants, just to be helpful. ~ Hugs from Gina in Oregon, USA

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