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"He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother"

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Well, the minute the other puzzle's posing was done, the two brothers could then return to their roly-poly ways, and think about taking a nap. It's hard work trying to be photogenic.
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  1. Ianto0:49
  2. Jackie480:59
  3. dobrajaneckova1:07
  4. cjvaillan1:17
  5. Finnegan1:20
  6. zaggie1:21
  7. vt11631:24
  8. KuskiM1:25
  9. rocks2wear1:32
  10. dorcadf071:36


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@Bugster It's a good photo of brothers together "forever." 😄


These two know how to show off to their best advantage. 🐞💕


@beyondwords Yes, I liked the lines in this photo, including Alvar's left front leg extending over Laviini's shoulder to connect with Laviini's front right leg. 💕💖💕


Here these two are photogenic in a different way.

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17 September 2018 - 4 November 2016
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