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October 29th is National Cat Day

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Photo: Cats sunning on a roof (

There seem to be a lot of Cat Appreciation Days around Halloween.

From the National Today Calendar:

National Cat Day is celebrated on October 29. It was created by Colleen Paige to bring awareness to the number of cats that need to be rescued each year. Cats remind us that just when you think they've lost interest in you, they'll turn around and melt your hearts. When it appears they're too busy staring out at passing cars, chasing nylon mice, and sending tiny multi-colored balls to their under-the-refrigerator graves, they'll somehow let you know that their very world revolves around you. Just wait. It'll happen when you least expect it. Cats have their own timetable.

National Cat Day is observed on October 29 each year with the same holiday being celebrated in Canada on August 8.


Lifestyle writer Colleen Paige has taken credit for establishing National Cat Day in 2005. Her stated mission: "To help galvanize the public to recognize the number of cats that need to be rescued each year and also to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the cat(s) in their lives for the unconditional love and companionship they bestow upon us."

We cat-egorically believe her. She appears to love all cats — domestic and feral — and we're certainly in favor of that.

Science magazine reports that cat domestication goes back 12,000 years. That encompasses a lot of toys and even more naps. The process appears to have taken place in the Middle East — think Israel, Iraq, and Lebanon. Domestication did not happen overnight. Cats did not go from wild beasts to softly purring pets — just, sort of, one day.

Per National Geographic: "DNA analysis suggests that cats lived for thousands of years alongside humans before they were domesticated. During that time, their genes have changed little from those of wildcats, apart from picking up one recent tweak: the distinctive stripes and dots of the tabby cat."

Another study from University of Rome scholar Claudio Ottoni reveals that ancient sailors would bring cats along to "help protect food storages on board by killing rodents. This allowed cats to spread across the world."

We're glad they spread. Like dogs, who get all the credit for being lovable, cats feel everything we do. They can gauge our moods and emotions — and act accordingly. They have also given up a lot of their natural cravings to live in homes and apartments.


4000 BCE
Cats Worshipped By Egyptians
Considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians, many pictures and statues of cats have made down through the millennia.

500 BCE
Cats Revered by the Song Dynasty
The first cat was given to the emperor of China and quickly became a popular pet among the rich.

100 AD
Cats Take a Permanent European Vacation
Egyptian traders introduced cats to Europeans, specifically the Greeks and Romans. The Romans used them as pest control.

More than four-in-ten people surveyed own at least one cat! 57% of these cat owners have just one.

Just under half of people surveyed responded say that they tell their cats "I love you."

A quarter of people surveyed stated that their cat is their best friend.


Cats Are Easy to Maintain
They can clean themselves, use a litter box, and don't need outdoor exercise. Cats can somehow adapt seamlessly to any home environment, from a small one-bedroom apartment in the city to a spacious cottage in the country.

Cats are so chatty
Although cats are primarily non-verbal communicators, they will talk to you — if you talk to them. The more you talk to your cat, the more she will respond back to you. You may both be talking about totally different things, but there's definitely a conversation going on there.

A Schnoz That's One of a Kind
Have you ever closely examined a cat's nose? Those bumps and ridges are exclusive to each individual cat and can be used as an identifier—just like a fingerprint can be used to identify a human.

For the full article, click on the link below!
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  1. Ianto0:20
  2. treker0:21
  3. PauaNZ0:21
  4. CrazyCAT540:23
  5. yarnover0:25
  6. micki5angels0:27
  7. MoreJunk0:27
  8. resmut0:27
  9. JennyG660:28
  10. MeMaw230:29


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Miss Toni celebrated by doing exactly what she is doing in my avatar - sleeping. She gets to go to the vet on Wednesday for blood work to see show her kidneys are doing and a shot to help her asthma and arthritis. :-))


I’d tell you what Sam is doing to celebrate, but you don’t want to know.


Thanks, doll. :)

Very sweet. Mischka. Thank you.

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10 December 2020 - 1 February 2018
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