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by Dennis Bailey

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  1. Dclo1:24
  2. mariolyn1:47
  3. martinpw1:54
  4. pitschedabber2:00
  5. ecoultas2:03
  6. lindas2:12
  7. moppie2:13
  8. igator2102:16
  9. FionaAS2:18
  10. ekdugger2:22


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Everybody wants to be a critic 🎼🎶🎶🎶


We are all happy to hear it! @MartinFields That you're NOT gonna sing, of course. 😁


🤔I'm not going to start singing that Beatles song no matter how much you pay me 😂


@landal - I'm on it!!🎸


I'm so glad you enjoyed it @sfteacher We should all take time to savor what we will! 🍕


I can imagine the excitement of walking down to the sea @1Be2Dun3 but I'm afraid it would be a long haul uphill at the end of the day. However, I will be patiently waiting to hear your next poetic singalong for our puzzle here! 🎵


beautiful, bold colors- definitely worth a few minutes of precious time to solve and savor- thank you


I am going to write a song about the Long and Winding Orange Clay Road! That village would be a lovely place to visit.


Glad you love it @madpol! 🤠


Look at those colors!! Love it! Thank you Landal :-)

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