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A cold and frosty morning

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It was a bit cold the other morning, so here is the frost on the railing of my deck, about 10 feet off the ground. It looked so pretty!
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Oh Thank you John - How lovely of you to be so kind! Are people awesome in this website :)
I knew how to change it over in the XP and earlier days, but had not even considered looking again in the Win 7 days. I might have a go after August (when my work pressure eases off and I won't have to worry about confusing myself too much LOL!) I've book-marked it for now. It would be nice to create my own artwork digitally one day - I used to do oil paintings and enjoyed sketching (bit like my avatar picture style, but my avatar picture was drawn by my daughter). There are so many things I gave up once I came into motherhood :)


Hello Glenys just spotted you comment on Kirstens card ref. mouse please find this link hope it helps you all the best


Awwww! SO TRUE! the seasons do rush by now don't they :( ... summers used to go on forever when I was a kid (and I hated them even back then, particularly since the school holidays were over summer, and I hated school holidays!)... My mother always said, "time goes faster as you get older". Yep, agree.


Me too. I don't do summer. We are starting ours now. The only benefit is that at my age seasons don't last nearly as long as they used to. LOL!


oh! lucky you! I'm a newbie to all this exciting seasonal differences. Up in Auckland, you hardly notice the changing of the seasons there, whereas here - wonderful! Autumn - spectacular, spring last year - gorgeous! winter... magical, summer - bleck. But then, summer is bleck anywhere in my opinion.


Wow, that's just frost! I know what you mean. We have gotten lots of snow the last few years, and I absolutely love it! Can't get enough!!!


No snow here Elizabeth :( just frost.... Apparently this new town I've moved to does get light snow, every say... 5-10 years. Maybe this year? Last year when I was down here helping my daughter shift in July, there were snow flurries in the air - coming out of a bright blue, cloudless sky.... It was MAGICAL! And the ladies at the cafe where we were having lunch, they got so excited, the dropped their work and ran outside and did a little dance in the flurries! That was the moment I decided, yep, I'm moving here too!


This is a lovely image!!! The texture of the snow and the contrasting textures of wood and grass are gorgeous!!


Nice picture Glenys, makes me off my air conditioner.


You're welcome - thanks for asking for it :) Cheers - Glenys

Outstanding!!! Thanks so much for sharing! It's beautiful! Nature gives us great black and white pictures !

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