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Oops V2

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  1. KIK4048:23
  2. RashidMostafa1:01:35
  3. AlanJeffries1:09:09


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15k Seagate HDD's connected to an Adaptec 39320 controller.
Non SCSI boot floppy inserted into floppy drive!
BIOS Boot order not set!


ROFL....yes, probably, something like that!
actually it is on a separate legacy W2K pc running 15k Seagate SCSI discs
I can't recall the fix but had written notes at the time, will look it up tomorrow and let you know.
Thanks for your message my friend and I appreciate you taking the time to complete the puzzle.
I haven't done so yet myself as today I have been busy preparing a bunch of new puzzles, some more legacy pc images to be posted that you might be interested in.
You might be interested in this one if you a player of the classic DOS game "Digger"


esc then F10?

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