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Anyone Worried About the Thunderstorm?

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"Nope, and we don't even need a tube treat. We are stuffed from dinner," says Inky and sploots flat. Brownie Blue inquires if he's really sure? She's always up to accepting foods. And Laviini Kissa, in front, is just thinking that the toy on the floor might be a mouse.
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We don't get the kind of storms up here that you do, I'm that the storms don't usually affect the boys. Loud trucks and the turkey that guns the engine on his motorcycle will make them want back in the house we're outside. 😊


That’s a good point.


@Juba1010 Oh, I have pages of unpublished puzzles, many removed from published after first time on Jigidi. I'm just more interested in the sharing of personal stories and who the audiences past the initial 100 are. I have some published puzzles from the past which approached 400 solves before I unpublished them and found out they can be googled with searches because of my word choice, not because someone even knows what Jigidi is. 🤨 That is what made me uncomfortable. 😊


Just don’t hit the publish button after you create a puzzle.


@valt46 The only one scared of thunderstorms right now is Nanny Lily, my senior Chihuahua. Adopted at 11 1/2 when her owner died, she came to me with the fear - first storm she ran and squeezed behind a toilet and just shook. Now she predicts them within the half hour, alerts me, and then wants to be near me the entire time. (If we're in the car, she could care less and sleeps.) But at 13, she doesn't have to sit on me anymore. 🤭

With this cat family, they were easy to train as it could be done from birth for all. I raised the parents at under four weeks old (found in a box) and then later when they were returned with Sita pregnant. So they knew storms weren't a probkem.

Someone tried to explain that to me a while back about connecting with others and I believe I misunderstood his instructions. I thought he was referring to the tagging I do to respond to comments within my puzzles. I know you don't have to tag inside another's puzzle when commenting to the author, but not what you've written. Thank you. I may look into it and send an email to myself first to practice. 💕💖💕


Amazing so calm, good training here. I read your bio, did you know that you can produce a puzzle, tag someone you would like to exchange Email address with but do not hit publish. It should call your tagged friend only. No one else will see it.


@Artola And Brownie Blue wouldn't even ask for a snack first!


@Artola They actually watched the rain and listened to the thunder. Now ... if there was a lawnmower in the clouds ... that's a trained leave and hide till they go away response. No questions asked. 🤭


They don't look worried about the storm. However, they would like to know when the next meal will be served. lol Thanks, :o))

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

21 September 2017 - 10 December 2016
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