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Remembering the Good Ol' Days

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Nanny Lily was taking charge of the young Laviini Kissa, Brownie Blue, and Alvar Tiikeri. They're secure on her steps. She's supervising from their choice of blankies. 💕💖💕
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@Bugster They are so trusting of Nanny Lily. You can just feel it from the positions of their baby kitten bodies. They didn't have to be so close to her, but they loved her.

Alvar was the biggest even then. 😸 Brownie loved the purple blanket "pillow." 😻 Laviini wanted Lily to acknowledge him ... again - "Here I am - please look!"😺


The picture is sweet and I love the look on Laviini's face while watching Lily. They're a family alright. 💕


@beyondwords It is a special photo - knew you'd like it! 🤗 The large purple and red blankets under Lily eventually went with the other too young mother of the seven and her brood to South Carolina. I wanted her and her kittens to have them for their travels. Lily's, Mama Sita's, Inky's, these kittens' here, the other two's, and this home's scents where her babies were so loved would be in them. 🥰


Thanks, everyone, for my first big smile of the afternoon. And Nanny Lily is still part of their lives!


@jodycyotee I adore it! Shows how spoiled they all are, but also the love they shared and still do. Lily has always been a part of their lives from birth. I wonder if they think she is just a different version of a cat? 🤗


This is adorable!

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30 December 2020 - 19 July 2014
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