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You Gave Me a Bath

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You are a very bad person, I turned on my puppy cuteness to the max setting and you still gave me a bath, I am not happy with you.

(Mom's note: in looking at the two photos I posted of the dog today, it's hard to believe that this is the same dog. He is normally a very dignified dog of 12 but can look much younger when he turns on the cuteness or much older when he is mad at me.)
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He definitely knows how to express himself. Should have gone into acting.


Gotta love dogs with real personality!!! LOL!


His majesty ignored me for quite a while but finally caved in and forgot his indignities of the day.


:-))) I'm sure he will get lots of makeup hugs...and possibly a few treats too.


Toto, :-)))))


Unhappy - BUT clean and no longer smelling like a landfill.


The unhappy look is priceless!


Too bad, - - do you want a treat?


not so ............. it is not fair, I am the big loser here and nobody understands me. :-)))


He soon forgave me for the bath, but his look is priceless. Thanks, Oldgit.

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