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"Looking good today, Penny!"
"Oh Harvey, you silly penguin, you're making me blush!"

The Falkland Islands are home to a thriving population of King Penguins, the second-largest penguin species after the Emperor Penguin. These striking birds, with their sleek black and white bodies and vivid orange accents, primarily breed at Volunteer Point on East Falkland. Volunteer Point hosts the largest colony on the islands, with around 1,000 breeding pairs today.

Historically, King Penguins were nearly wiped out in the Falklands in the early 20th century due to overhunting for oil and feathers. However, with the end of hunting and establishing protected areas, their population has steadily recovered. The colony at Volunteer Point has grown from just a few pairs in the 1960s to its current robust size, thanks to conservation efforts and the islands’ relatively predator-free environment.

King Penguins typically form monogamous pairs during a breeding season and can reunite with the same partner in subsequent years, although they may change partners if breeding is unsuccessful. Their breeding cycle is unique, with parents sharing incubation duties over 14-16 months. After hatching, the chick is raised in the colony while the parents forage for food, including squid, fish, and krill, in the surrounding waters. King Penguins can live up to 25 years in the wild, further contributing to population stability.

The Falkland Islands provide an ideal habitat for these penguins, whose resilience and growth symbolize wildlife conservation success ♥
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@Parker36 You are so fortunate to have visited the area with the King Penguins---it's something most of us just dream about! And...I love the picture you took of two of them "holding flippers". Sweet!


@Parker36 Such a heartwarming picture, they look really cute! ❤️


I was fortunate to visit this sanctuary of the King Penguins. My avatar is a pair holding hands.


She makes his toes turn up.


@nankypoo They are indeed amazing and wonderful creatures 🐧


@Marja1112 @bevpuzzler8 Thank you so much for solving! We hope you had an amazing time with the puzzle 🤗


Incubation is 14-16 months! Now that's dedication.


Aren't they so sweet? Thank you. 9-19-24




@Oasis Thanks for those kind words! We believe that everything will be fine, we need to stay positive! 😁


@Siena Thank you for solving! ❤️

This lovely narrative (and picture) tell me that there really IS hope for the world, despite all the terrible things going on. Thank you Jigidi, for this wonderful encouragement.

Lovely picture, thank you.



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