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Totally Bent Out of Shape 😲

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300 pieces
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Raini posts 35 and 88 pieces.

Rainiqui posts 165, 300 and 594 pieces.
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  1. papson29:19
  2. TheTalkingTurtle33:46
  3. pamts141:02
  4. Hexter46:58
  5. NinaNoodles53:29
  6. archerpete_230654:05
  7. pmc58:08
  8. sherylandken59:57
  9. tesacags1:00:08
  10. albertases1:01:03


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It took me a while but I loved it! Thank you

Thank You Kindly for Posting this Puzzle for Our Puzzling Enjoyment! Your Design was Very Entertaining to Get Bent Out of Shape On! All the Colors are Absolutely Fantastic!
Alone on the Leaderboard for a Few Moments in Time! Soon to be Amongst the Many Other Puzzlers Who Enjoy Your Cheerful Designs! This Design Truly Makes Me Smile!!!

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