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Happy birthday Nev

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Irena, ještě jednou děkuji za krásnou pohlednici a za pozvání tolika hostů na můj večírek. Bylo to úžasné. ♥♥♥

Irena, thank you once again for the lovely card, and for inviting so many guests to my party. It was wonderful. ♥♥♥


Thank you to everyone who joined in the birthday wishes for our mutual friend Nev. Have a nice new week everyone ☺


Hi Nev, I hope you had a lovely birthday. I especially wish you a lot of health, happiness and joy. I send many greetings to you ☺


Eva, thank you for your Birthday Wishes. ♥♥♥


Wanda, thank you for the Birthday Greeting, very much appreciated.
I read a comment somewhere that you had reached the 14 million pieces goal. CONGRATULATIONS, young lady. Onwards and upwards! ♥♥♥


Happy Birthday, Nev! Wanda

Beautiful posting! Wanda


Val, thank you for your lovely Birthday Wishes too. I did indeed have a wonderful day. ♥♥♥


Maureen, you're such a sweetie. I do appreciate your Birthday Greetings very much. Thank you. ♥♥♥


Jill, thanks for the Birthday Wishes. Just two days difference between us Capricorns, but you are 'decades' younger than me! ♥♥♥


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nev just catching up, sounds like your day was filled with love and happiness here's to many more Cheers ♥♥♥

Irena such a lovely card ♥♥


Happy Birthday Charming Gentleman , best wishes
for many more healthy days.
Greetings dear friend.😊❤️❤️


Happy Birthday Nev 🎉🥳. Trust you had a wonderful day yesterday, January babies rock! Nev so on my reckoning you are 47 😁❤️❤️


Iris, it's always lovely to catch up with you. Many thanks. ♥♥♥


Pam, your Birthday Wish is most welcomed. Thank you also. ♥♥♥


Ardy, I do appreciate your Birthday Greetings. Thank you.
I hope you are keeping well. ♥♥♥


Dáša, také děkuji za přání k narozeninám. ♥♥♥

Dasa, thank you for your Birthday Wishes too. ♥♥♥



Jolene, many thanks indeed. ♥♥♥


Irena, bylo skvělé, že sis vzpomněla na moje narozeniny - moc děkuji. A poslali jste mi pohlednici s mými oblíbenými květinami, narcisy - nádherné!
Také jsem měl tak skvělý den se spoustou rodinných pozdravů. 20. ledna mi bylo 74 let a doufám, že ještě pár let, dá-li Bůh.
Vracím pozdravy tobě a tvé rodině,
Nev. ♥♥♥

Irena, it was wonderful that you remembered my Birthday - thank you so much. And you've sent me a card with my favourite flowers, Daffodils, on it - gorgeous!
I had such a terrific day too, with lots of family Greetings. On 20th January I became 74 years of age, and I'm hoping for a few more years yet, God willing.
I'm returning Greetings to you and your family,
Nev. ♥♥♥


Sending a huge birthday smile! ☺♥☺


Thank you for this pretty birthday puzzle for Nev, Irena! ☀️

Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday, Nev! 😊


Happy birthday, Nev. Have a daffodil kind of day. 🎂

Happy Birthday Nev. 🌸
Iri doufám, že se nezlobíš, že jsem se připojila k Tvému krásnému přání. Díky. 😊

Happy Birthday Nev.



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