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Yesterday afternoon, Alvar Tiikeri checked out the new cooling mat and splooted on part if it. It was safe. So today, he invited his sister, Minikins Oops, to share. Alvar has always looked out for Minikins as a good "older" brother should. (He was the first of the siblings born.)
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  1. Ninja20230:26
  2. Ianto0:27
  3. dobrajaneckova0:29
  4. vala880:35
  5. hadzi0:38
  6. tammyid0:38
  7. wshealy0:47
  8. Finnegan0:47
  9. vt11630:50
  10. jphillips0:52


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@Bugster Think we often spoil them so that when they leave us for their next journey among the stars 💫 , we have few or no regrets. We know we provided a little "Heaven on Earth" while they shared their lives with us. 🥰


Of course you spoil them. Isn't that part of being the parent of fur kiddos? 💕🐞

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

23 July 2019 - 3 July 2016
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