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Tres: I'm KING of the World...

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Okay, my world! This is a new cat tree that a friend made for his wife's cat that refuses to use it. Needless to say this bunch love, Love LOVE it! Tres has even hung upside down from where he is sitting.
They seem to be settling in very well to their new digs and new Cat TV channels.
This one is for YOU, Miss Willow! XOXO Tres
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  1. tigersox4:08
  2. DeDonder4:18
  3. dhanks4:33
  4. lindaleigh5:58
  5. cbmuller6:24
  6. Dennie6:29
  7. Lowmil7:19
  8. DorotheaM8:01
  9. Milo418:26
  10. cpg724413:48


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Thank you, cbmuller! Now if my sisters would just understand that! --Tres


You are certainly king of your world and will continue to be!

I understand, Willow! I just sit with my head on mom's hand when I see you. XOXO Tres PS: It is big enough for 2... "sigh"
soo, my former neighbor saw a puzzle of Willow and though it was Tres. They do look so much alike...


Great to see you Tres. I never understood Milly when she said she always goes weak at the paws when she sees Goofie, I understand now. You look so cute up there, just wish I could join you. Love Willow x♥x

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