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“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases ...” This is the opening of the poem Endymion by John Keats. These words could have been written for our lovely Sanuk. She touches my heart every time I see her! She is a beautiful elephant to behold. Her relationship with Sibu appears to have brought the flower of her being even further into bloom. Look at her: isn’t she stunning! But it’s not so much her external beauty that warms my heart, it’s her appealing personality. Quietly she does her own thing, but underneath her unassuming demeanour resides a formidable strength that allowed her to cope elegantly and determinedly with the difficulties she encountered in her young life. She is a joy forever. It’s so touching to see her loveliness increase.
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  1. PuzzyCat5:30
  2. poolcue6:22
  3. Robson6:24
  4. Dooges6:54
  5. paularae7:10
  6. texasannie7:17
  7. barryandpam7:40
  8. FraLa7:53
  9. Omoli8:29
  10. Elmar9:41


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I loved the baby video about Nandi, @Darklldo2. I do think the answer to the rest of your comment I did cover in the answer I just wrote to your comment on the private puzzle about the sign about TT's weaving.


Damn! pushed the green button before I meant to :) Yes I do fear for you @Omoli because I know just how distressing it would be for all of you, and especially you because you would not have an elephant to share your loss with. I understand how dreadfully hard it is to have to accept Thong Tai's situation, I really do, but as I said I think we have to consider that, like all creatures who suffer from PTSD we have to count her blessings and just pray someone will step in to help her. At least she isn't being tormented now and that is a plus, she has her daughters and you to see her through the bad times and that is a huge plus.
As far as ignorance goes we have to be thankful that the keepers do come under rules and regulations and even if they are as blind as bats, they can't do any real harm. Neglect is insufferable and should not be acceptable, but, on your own, what can you do? Just protect yourself and you standing with the elephants, that is what is so important for you but also for Thong Tai, you are her comfort and her real carer and she's so lucky she has you.
(((((hugs))))) ;) x


How I wish Hobart was near Amsterdam @Omoli, I feel like we are old friends from long long ago :)
Here is something I found and thought as it might be something we will enjoy watching before long I would bring it here for everyone to see.
A practice run at watching a baby elephant :D

Definitely complicated. So many factors to consider.


The rules of ranking are very complicated and not yet completely understood. There are situations that move one up in rank, and situations that move an elephant down. Having a calf suddenly elevates the ranking, already during the pregnancy. A pregnant female has to eat more and therefore will get a higher ranking with better access to food. Thong Tai will not go to another zoo, but it is no saying what will happen when she passes away. Suppose Sanuk will be a mum in 21 months time, and Thong Tai sadly would die soon after, at that point Sanuk would be 9 and Yindee would be 20. That would give Yindee a lot of edge due to age difference. Does it happen ten years later, maybe with Sanuk having more kids, their absolute age difference would still be the same, but relatively speaking the gap would be smaller. So, Sanuk could become a matriarch then. I don't think that Yindee would accept Sanuk as a matriarch, but chances are that she will not fight Sanuk for it, but simply distance herself from the herd and do her own thing. Actually, that's more or less the situation now already. During her life, Yindee many times had to be acting matriarch in situations where Thong Tai could not cope. During a number of years, when Yindee was a young adult, she seemed to begrudge her mum for being a matriarch while she had to put in the work at times. So, every so often she would try to push her mum out, not in a physical way, but by not giving mum first choice with food. Thong Tai invariably rose to the challenge and didn't give in, although it caused her a lot of stress. After two weeks or so, Yindee relented and gave up. For the last two years or so, Yindee stopped challenging mum, but she started to withdraw more from the herd. She is still involved and supports her mum, but less than she used to. All in all: complicated, @poolcue!

Do you think there is a situation (like Sanuk having a calf and Lindee not having one) that would ever put Sanuk ahead of Yindee as matriarch if Thong Tai dies or is moved somewhere else? I'm not wishing that happens, it is just a question in my mind.


I did put another link with the private puzzle of the sign. You should find the link in your Notifications. Let me know if it still does not work. Then I will try and give you a direct link, @Darklldo2. Possibly being banned from the zoo has been a worry every time I addressed things like perilous situations due to gates left open, lack of care for Thong Tai, et cetera. Because it started weighing down on my health, I stopped addressing issues at the beginning of this year and just concentrated on looking after our friends as best as I can. That does not take away that things like this sign being put up, do hit me hard and keep me awake at night. Reading some of the reactions to my quite long piece about the sign and Thong Tai's history, I came to the conclusion that placing it might have been a judgement of error from my side. So, from now on, I will stick more to the sunny side of the street in my stories about our elephant friends. I have slept better, though, after sharing my thoughts and concerns.
My reply to your first comment about this puzzle apparently crossed your question about when I visit our elephant friends. First thing in the morning! The zoo opens at 9.00, and I'm waiting before the gates at 8.45. Due to some brain deficiency, my head cannot deal with crowds, noise, et cetera. So, by being first in line, I have other people standing behind me. I always wear noise protection to keep the voices out. When the gate opens, I rush to the elephant enclosure, and there I stay average until 10 o'clock. Then it gets too busy for me with visitors. Because the enclosure is halfway down the zoo, I mostly am all alone with the elephants for the first 20 minutes or so, which is wonderful!
I do not think it's good to cuddle with koalas. People often want to take selfies with a cuddly animal. It's bad for the animals to be handled like that. It infringes on their independence and privacy, and there is always the danger of spreading deceases in that way.
As for Thong Tai's attack on Sanuk: it was in the time that she was being shunned already by mum. She somehow took it in her stride and did not seem afraid for mum after the incident. But Yindee had witnessed the attack, and she did not trust herself to approach mum for a whole week, scared of being attacked as well. Because Thong Tai depends very much on Yindee, she got so depressed, not having Yindee at her side. After one week, Thong Tai was drinking at the basin. I was talking with her. Yindee came and at first stayed half behind mum. Then she took a deliberate, brave step forward, standing again side by side with her mother. I did see a weight being lifted from Thong Tai's shoulders at that moment!
If I start talking with you, there is no stopping me, @Darklldo2! As if Amsterdam is the neighbouring city of Hobart!


🥰🐘🥰, @Nalootje.


Zo aandoenlijk, tranen wellen op, ook vermengd met blijdschap, dat het nu goed met haar gaat en dat er iemand is die zoveel om haar geeft. En de hele groep ziet, hoort en voelt. Deze soort aandacht verdient eenieder.


Yes, the elephants sitting on a car roof knowing full well what they are doing. Why can't humans see this? They still drive through as though they really have the right -
Yes I am aware they can be very dangerous, but then so is every creature if not understood well. Even my little cat will push me away if she doesn't want to be stroked. The paw comes out, and at one time, the claws were ready to strike but now we understand each other better she doesn't expose her claws just puts her paw out and firmly pushes me away. Needless to say I obey, but then there are times I might do the same to her for some reason. It is understood between us. I never put my hand into her 'cave' she made it clear from the beginning it was a no go place :)
Elephants, lions, tigers and every animal can attack to defend, which is almost invariably what they are doing.
I have read people asking can they hold our Koalas and pat them and it is important to install in their minds that Koalas can be vicious with their thick claws, that they are wild animals and not to be taken for granted, they are not cuddly little soft stuffed toys.
I cannot even imagine Sanuk being thrown up in the air by Thong Tai what a horrifying sight. I am glad no harm was done, except to Sanuk's attitude towards her mother?
I was looking for your translated sign, but can't find it. ??
I can't get it out of my mind and keep wondering what you can do. I fear you might be banned from the zoo if they don't agree with you.


Yes, @Darklldo2, elephants have such a dignity, and they know exactly how they are moving. Sometimes one can get worried seeing a baby between a forest of elephant legs, but the small ones never come to any harm. The adults know exactly where the baby is. Also, with those big bulls sitting on car hoods: they know what they are doing, and they like to scare people. Having said that, elephants can be very dangerous. In nature, about 600 people are killed every year by elephants. If a mum feels a person gets too close to her child, she will attack. Bulls in musth are notoriously dangerous. And in areas where people vie with elephants for living space, both sides can end up with casualties. Our lovely Thong Tai sometimes overreacts due to PTSD. If she gets spooked, she can panic and could attack. When Sanuk was five years old, weighing 1500 kilos, she was eating some carrots. Suddenly, Thong Tai became aware and maybe wanted to have the treat for herself. She attacked Sanuk and threw her daughter in the air as if she was a feather. Fortunately, Sanuk was unharmed, although she came down hard on some tree trunks. But a person would not have survived.


@Omoli when do you usually visit your family? Just curious :)


Thank you @Omoli :) Yes, indeed she is beautiful. On the practical side she is so well proportioned and, although I have not seen her move, I can be pretty sure she is gently elegant. I will simply accept all you say about her and just wish I could meet her and the others.
You do have to see elephants move with each other to fully comprehend how they can weave in and out and around each other so easily. I have watched many videos since I met you and am always intrigued by how they never lose their dignity, even when running out at a car and scaring the wits out of the stupid tourists, their humour is there, even when what they are doing scares everyone. Only they know they won't do too much harm other than to the damn cars.😃
I haven't come across any mention of people being hurt, and not because they are smart or sensible.


Dank je wel, @Nalootje. Ik bloos ervan!
Sanuk heeft een hele geschiedenis achter de rug: verslaafd geraakt aan zand eten, het dodelijk Herpesvirus overleefd, het slurfongeval waarna ze zichzelf nieuwe technieken eigen maakte voor eten en drinken. Maar het moeilijkste waren voor haar de eerste twee jaar na de geboorte van Vinh. Sanuk verloor bij zijn komst haar rang. Ineens kreeg ze geen moedermelk meer, was Yindee erg gemeen tegen haar en zag haar moeder haar letterlijk en figuurlijk niet meer staan. Door haar beperkingen kan Thong Tai denkelijk gewoon maar één kind tegelijk mannen en dat was uiteraard baby Vinh. Sanuk was ineens compleet lucht voor haar en dat werd gaandeweg steeds moeilijker voor onze lieve meid. Ze werd mager en straalde zo'n eenzaamheid uit. Dat was heel verdrietig om te zien, Ellen. Gelukkig werd Vinh zo'n twee jaar geleden zelfstandiger en is de band tussen Thong Tai en Sanuk langzaam maar zeker hersteld. Je zag Sanuk steeds meer opbloeien, en de komst van Sibu, haar relatie met hem, vrouw worden, heeft daar nog weer aan toegevoegd. Zo ontroerend om te zien. Hoe jong ze nog is, ze is een uitermate indrukwekkende olifant die een bijzonder warm plekje in mijn hart heeft!


En zo raak ook jij harten!😊🙏🏼

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