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Lexi 5 months Old

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88 pieces
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  1. rrfan6:12
  2. klaus538:16
  3. hujiko9:05
  4. GARDGRD10:16
  5. LBombino10:17
  6. Horton00710:23
  7. JES3361110:33
  8. mduschene10:53
  9. gemmaeugene11:03
  10. zaggie12:07


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What a darling puppy.


Oh my gosh, what big ears you have. What a beautiful puppy!

With the pink collar, maybe Lexi is a little girl, not a little boy. And I use the
word "little" with a humor...So, once she grows around her ears, etc.

What a lovable face. And those are serious ears.

Once he grows around his ears he will be huge..!
He is a beauty.

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