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Le Monologue

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The artwork in Today's Daily Jigsaw Puzzle is titled "Le Monologue" (1882), and the artist is Jean Béraud ♥

Jean Béraud (French, 1849-1935), a master of Parisian life, painted the city's vibrancy with a peculiar blend of precision and humor. Known for his meticulous attention to detail, he captured the essence of Belle Époque Paris, from bustling boulevards to intimate soirées. Yet, what sets Béraud apart is his playful, almost cinematic approach—often inserting himself or curious, anachronistic elements into his scenes. His works offer a time-traveling glimpse, not just into the streets of Paris, but into the quirks and idiosyncrasies of its society, making him a true storyteller with a brush.

You can find a little more information on Jean Béraud here
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  1. yosshiofficial3:15
  2. wildbrat3:44
  3. mvt3:44
  4. kernow4:08
  5. JG5464:33
  6. strickler964:44
  7. wujaszekdolf4:54
  8. Druimisla5:08
  9. slavica5:18
  10. gw145:25


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@Siena @virginia1954 Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the image! 🤗


Lovely photograph.

Lovely picture, and beautiful dresses.


@Hdarlene @Oasis A true masterpiece! 🤗


Making him a true storyteller with a brush.

Ahhh(sigh)...those lovely genteel days of olde.

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