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Blooms from the garden today, 04-30-2024

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Clematis 'Niobe'
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  1. Dclo1:05
  2. nkwrw1:08
  3. MissJewely1:27
  4. GalBr1:28
  5. TIME4ME1:34
  6. bristol02011:52
  7. Grg1:55
  8. Pekaji1:55
  9. Ianto2:02
  10. Wendyb22:18


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@sthajkova, Zdravím a děkuji za váš milý komentář. Navštívil jsem vaši stránku s hádankami a máte mnoho krásných květin.


I know I am late, I'll wait some nurseries put you in a waiting list for the next season. Ty!


Thank you, will check! (‘ ‿ ’)


Krásné---díky a pozdrav....


Gosh, Mila, I would have to look to see if I have a record of where I bought my Niobe. I used many garden centers. Off the cuff, I consider these centers reputable:
Wayside Gardens, Park Seeds, White Flower Farms, Plant Addicts, Proven Winners, and Garden Crossings.

Most places are either out of popular clematis or low on stock now, but I just saw today that Wayside Gardens was advertising a small sale on some Clematis they have left in stock. Here is a link to Wayside's Clematis site:


Martha, Finn's full name is Felix and he likes it. Whenever I say his name he comes to me like, "did you call me?" (*‿-)
Where are you ordering from? I waited too long and Niobe and Rebecca are both out of stock. Mila


Mila, I am ordering my Clematises online and have chosen the nurseries carefully. The online products are just as healthy as were those from our local nurseries. How are Oliver and Finn? ~Martha


I love red Clematis. Mine never showed up two years ago. I haven't been able to replace it.


Patsy, Niobe is the darkest of the clematises unless a new hybrid has recently emerged.


Intense colour show up well in sunlight.


Thank you for dropping by, MissJewely. I am glad you like my Niobe clematis!

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing:)


Nothing pleases a gardener more than knowing someone enjoys her garden.


New puzzles! Yay!! I'm so excited. You know I enjoy your garden. 🐞💕

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