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by James Ruby - Bruno

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"Bruno", 12" x 14", oil on canvas, 2017,
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  1. Dclo1:37
  2. Ianto2:04
  3. moppie2:05
  4. kimmandel2:14
  5. GalBr2:15
  6. dianajnelson2:27
  7. rndixon2:30
  8. madpol2:35
  9. octhomasad2:40
  10. poordella2:50


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Looking forward to seeing it!


Was it you? @camwebb888 🤠 I still have one more left to post!

I might be the person who requested Basset hound puzzles a while back. thank You! I love this one!




Aw gee @pivecko Don't be sad! Look at it as a great gift for you to look forward to when you return -- hours of puzzling with no waiting! 🎁


Mohla jsi vybrat lepší dobu! proč zrovna když si dávám pauzu? Víš o co přijdu? :-(


Have a great time, we'll be here! @pivecko I found several Bassett Hound puzzles for someone and never posted this one. He was too beautiful to delete. With the new sorting capability I discovered I had over 200 unposted orphans. I'm posting 4 a day again to use them all up. 💞


Ale tohle není Rita ani Chedar! Ahoj Gail, jsem zdravá, čilá a dávám si od luštění na pár dní pauzu. Doufám, že až se vrátím, tak budete všichni v pořádku!

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