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Tuesday's Check of the Kids

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Just to show that Mama Sita is consistent, if not busy. Once again, Missy is getting her inspection to make certain all is clean. Sita always grabs her babies with her front legs and makes them stay for grooming or motherly love. Lately, she seems to start with Missy as evident in other puzzles.
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I love your little family. 💕🐞


@beyondwords Mama Sita is very efficient ... or maybe she skips hours/days when I'm not here to notice. Since I catch her so often grooming or hugging, I have to feel it's a
habit. She also comforts them when they're scared.

Maybe since she was without a mother, and never even cried for one when found in the box at three weeks, and cared for by me, she wants to give love to the little ones ... or maybe because Starlight Baby was her "nanny" who did the same to her, Sita does this. As with cats who play with mice and don't hunt them since it's not instinctual and was never taught by a mother cat for survival, I think Baby taught her (and Inky, also) to be a nurturer. 💕💖💕


@peasterberg Always makes me smile. 💕💖💕




Missy is fortunate to receive all the attention. Does Mama Sita have time for anything besides grooming her babies?


@racoonstar You know it! She does have rules. 🤭


@mjs7 She certainly has been one of the best of the best. Mama Sita even took care of the too young mother and her seven while caring for her own babies. She also offered her milk to all (although I supplemented with formula).


Never Mess With Mama!


A good Mama Cat.


@beyondwords This one's for you - another day, another Mama Sita grooming of her brood begins. 😊

More jigsaw puzzles in the cats category

9 January 2021 - 2 November 2014
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