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765 Nickel Plate RR

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765 NPR was waiting for clearance to enter the yard in Owosso, Mich. after pulling passengers around the country side. I have a video when the engine blew the whistle and moved forward into the yard. What a sight and sound of power being applied to move the cars. The wheels actually spun a little before traction took hold.
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  1. Ted909:54
  2. SimplyAwesome13:55
  3. ian194814:03
  4. greygorre15:22
  5. dazwilliams2315:57
  6. P9westy16:29
  7. antlerlady17:42
  8. bookcase23:36
  9. SuesChef28:28
  10. Jetroy32:48


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@Tomas67 Here is the photo while I was waiting for her to move into the yard at SRI in Owosso, Mich. This was during the train festival to make money for the repair of 1225 PM.


I think that this went through my hometown of Gardner, Ma. when it was pulling the freedom train on B&M trackage. Thanks, P9westy.

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