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Gladiolus alatus is a species of Gladiolus found from southern Namaqualand south to the Cape Peninsula and east to Caledon and Bredasdorp, South Africa. It is found growing on slopes with sandstone and granitic soils.
The flowers bloom from August to October and are sweetly scented.

Winter Flowering gladiolus tend to be species Gladioli that originate from the winter rainfall areas of the Cape Province in South Africa. They follow the opposite growth pattern of summer bedding gladioli, and they begin growth in late autumn as rainfall increases, continuing right through winter and then flower in early spring. They are not generally winter hardy in cooler climates and require protection. Bulbs should be planted in autumn and put under cover if living in an area that receives frosts or temperatures below 5 degrees centigrade. During the summer, they enter dormancy and should not be watered at all. It has sword-like green foliage and produces orange flowers with yellow markings.
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Yellow and orange go so well together...💛🧡


This is so pretty - the colour is gorgeous too. Thank you Bernadette.

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