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108 pieces
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  1. carrps8:33
  2. MrsKMB10:31
  3. julierm10:37
  4. petperson10:46
  5. dlscarce112:08
  6. BenL12:09
  7. pauleysteph12:35
  8. Horton00712:52
  9. manapuas19:05
  10. MamaJo35121:33


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I have never heard of a Bernedoodle - I will have to do a bit of research. He is just incredible, and I love big dogs.

Cooper is a Bernedoodle…about 85 pounds and a sweetheart!


You look like such a happy dog Cooper - lots of kisses and cuddles coming your way.

I have fallen, head over heels, in love with the most beautiful dog!!! You’re eyes are telling me….” YES, I GET A LOT OF THAT!! “ Cooper, I hope you’re feeling the HUG, that’s coming your way! 😇💕🌷🙏

What breed of dog is he? Absolutely adorable, and that NOSE. It's just the best.

Oh My Goodness...I Love Cooper !!!

What a Face !!

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