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Grill Lake house, NY

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Wow! This is a major déjà vu for me. Is it my imagination, or is this the "ezers māja" at the Latvian church camp in Elka Park, NY. I spent a number of summers at that camp back in the '60s. I still vividly remember the three languages we were allow to use: "Latviski, latviski un vēlreiz latviski!" (hope I got that right - never learned to write...). Even spent some quiet time in the upstairs "ambulance" for some malady. I don't remember it being Grill Lake, though... Is this the ezers māja? Will peek in to check for an answer! Paldies par dalīšanos šo bildi. - Andris


Really a nice place. Looks like a great place to live. :-)

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